Property data mailing lists are a fantastic way for businesses to reach a very select group of potential customers.
If your products or services benefit property owners then Mailing List Connection can help you reach them. Our database is one of the most comprehensive collections presently available. The expert staff here at Mailing List Connection can help you narrow down our massive database to find your target customers. You can then market directly to these potential customers. Selective marketing also allows you to have a higher return on investment which saves your company money.
Property data mailing lists are a fantastic way for businesses to reach a very select group of potential customers. If your products or services benefit property owners then Mailing List Connection can help you reach them. Our database is one of the most comprehensive collections presently available. The expert staff here at Mailing List Connection can help you narrow down our massive database to find your target customers. You can then market directly to these potential customers. Selective marketing also allows you to have a higher return on investment which saves your company money.
Commercial Property Data Mailing Lists
One of the highly regarded property data mailing lists Mailing List Connection offers is the Commercial Property Owner List. This list is based on the national data of county tax assessors.
We offer:
More than 13 million individual commercial properties Nearly 7 million individual commercial property owners in the US Almost 150,000 apartment complexes with more than 10 units More than 3 million active commercial business loansThese records have the postal information for the businesses. They also include the property owner’s postal information. Additionally, the data can be searched with various property characteristics if they have been provided by the county taxing districts.

This information is updated regularly by counties, parishes, boroughs and through the census. Furthermore, the County Tax Assessor and County Appraisal Districts are the primary contributors for the information.
Benefits of Commercial Property Data Mailing Lists
This data base can be extremely useful to any organization wanting to reach commercial property owners. If you have products or services that appeal to property owners then this database can help your business. You’ll be able to target the best possible customers and reach them easily. A number of businesses can benefit from this type of database.
For example:
Commercial Realtors Roofing Companies Construction Companies Landscaping Companies Janitorial Services Maintenance CompaniesWith our database you now have the potential to reach more than 7 million commercial property owners throughout the United States. That covers around 13 million properties of varying types and classifications. This means that you can apply laser focus to your customer targeting to make the most of your advertising budget.
Mailing List Connection Also Provides New Homeowner Property Data Mailing Lists
We put together a database of over 3.24 million sales for single family homes and condominiums throughout the country. This database is expected to increase by more than 25% in the year 2017. This information can be provided on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It can be filtered by a number of qualifiers such as:
Mortgage amount Mortgage Length Sales Price Sales Date Year Built Square Feet Lender Name Rate Type Loan TypeMailing List Connection also has additional information regarding new homeowners with swimming pools. This is particularly appealing to businesses who offer products and services for swimming pools.
Database of New Homeowners with Swimming Pools
In 2016 alone there were over 220,000 new homeowners that purchased homes with swimming pools in the United States. This is especially beneficial to companies such as:
Security Alarm Companies Water Purification System Companies Landscaping Companies Lawn Maintenance Companies Pest Control Companies And More!Our Swimming Pool Mailing Lists have provided a remarkably high return on investment for over 16 years. We’ve helped many pool companies grow their businesses exponentially and would love to do the same for you.
Benefits of New Homeowner Property Mailing Lists
When an individual or family purchases a new home then they’ll likely need to know which products and services are available in their new area. Local companies such as stores, restaurants, health care, and more can benefit from this database. New leads are generated daily, weekly, and monthly.
Additional companies that can benefit from our new homeowner database include,
for example:
Satellite or Cable Television Companies Furniture Companies Remodel Companies Window Blind Companies Home Appliance CompaniesAs well as:
Doctors Dentists Chiropractors OptometristsMobile Home Mailing Lists
We also have a unique database that is designed specifically to help companies that need to market to the owners and residents of mobile homes. Mailing List Connection has more than 1.5 million mobile home owners in our database. This information is collected from County Tax Assessors. You can also filter this data to reach more specific customers. For example, you can select the following search parameters:
Age Income Length of Residency Gender Marital Status Presence of ChildrenFor a minimal additional cost, you can also filter results by:
Home Value Purchase Date Year Built Telephone Numbers Email AddressesWe also have records of over 33,000 Mobile Home Communities with approximately 8 million residents.
Choosing Mailing List Connection for your Property Data Mailing Lists
By choosing Mailing List Connection for your property data mailing list needs, you are getting a superior product. Our extensive data is regularly verified as well as updated frequently. Our primary goal is to help our clients reach the most relevant customers possible. This not only maximizes your return on investment but also minimizes advertising costs. These are customers that you know will need your specific products and services. Help them find you by contacting us today.