Our Business Owners Database & Mailing Lists Include Business Owners with Cell Phone and Email Contact Information
We offer Cell Phone based B2B leads for Business Owners throughout the USA. We currently have a little over 5 million of the Business Owner Cell Leads available.
You may select by many criteria, including:
geography type of business employee size annual sales volumesIn addition to the Cell Contacts, we have Email Addresses available for a little over 15 million of these Business Owners.
We also offer the Business Owner Domain Registration File
We have approximately 25 million of these registered URL Owners available with the name, and address + phone (cell or landline), and Email appended where available, and we aggregate an average of 1.5 million of these unique Web Site Owner leads each year as the new records become available.

These URL Owners are either businesses or individuals who registered their domain name with high likelihood that they are starting a new business or web presence. We clean this data extensively for accuracy and to eliminate any hosting company, privacy registrars and other generic contact info.
Occupational Database with Cell Phone & Email
We also offer the most accurate and comprehensive Occupational Database with Cell Phone and Email currently available with over 31 Million Postal Records, 20 Million with Phone Numbers “Land and Cell”, and 9 Million with Email Contacts. A large percentage of these Occupation Specific People are Self Employed.
The Pricing all of our above Business Lead Products starts at 9.5 cents per lead with a 5000 Minimum Order Commitment. (Volume Discounts are available, Please contact us with any pricing questions).