Reach millions of Swimming Pool Owners using our most comprehensive and accurate mailing lists.

Postal Mailing
The Mailing List Connections offers 4,255,346 Current Pool Owner Names & Addresses in Single Family Homes throughout the USA. These Pool Owners are all available for Direct Mailing, and are searchable by Zip Code, Radius from an Address, by County, or by MSA. In addition, the Pool Owners can be selected by Home Value, or by Home Year Built, as well as by Age, Income and length of Residency, plus any of these selections.

Email Broadcast
The Mailing List Connection has over 1.4 million Swimming Pool Owners with Opt-in E-Mail Addresses.

Our Compilation Methods
The Swimming Pool Present Indicators are compiled mainly from County Tax Appraisal Data purchased from the majority of the Counties throughout the USA. The Pool Data is also supplemented and verified through sources such as Swimming Pool Accessory Purchases both at the Retail Store Level and though Online Pool Accessory & Pool Chemical Purchases.
Our Update Methods
Our Pool Database is Updates from County Tax Assessors throughout the USA twice per year for Larger Counties & once per years for Medium sized & smaller counties once per year in the fall. In addition Pool Product Purchase Information is incorporated quarterly & the entire Pool Database is Cass Certified & Run through the USPS NCOA software monthly.
Here is a Swimming Pool Data Sample
Swimming Pool Counts
See our Current Swimming Pools Counts below for Postal, DNC Scrubbed Phone Numbers as well as with Opted in Email Addresses:
Pool Counts by State & by County
Pool Counts with DNC Scrubbed Phones
Pool Owner Counts by state with Email
Successful Uses
Thousands of Swimming Pool Related Companies have successfully used our Pool Data over the last 20 years. Below are some of the major users of our Swimming Pool Information.
Swimming Pool Service & Repair CompaniesSwimming Pool Remodeling Companies
Swimming Pool Chemical Companies
Swimming Pool Equipment Manufacturing Companies
New Homeowners with Swimming Pools
We average 186,000 New Homeowners every year with Swimming Pools, see the state breakdown here. We can supply any 5,000 of these New Homeowners with Pools for $0.13 each or Monthly New Homeowners with Pools for $0.15 each or Weekly New Homeowners with Pools for $0.18 each. See a New Homeowner with Pool Sample.
Type | Quantity | Price |
Swimming Pool Owners | 1,000 | $0.12 each |
Swimming Pool Owners | 5,000 | $0.08 each |
Swimming Pool Owners | 10,000 | $0.075 each |
Swimming Pool Owners | 20,000 | $0.065 each |
Swimming Pool Owners with E-Mail | 100,000 | $0.05 each |
E-Mail Append your Existing Swimming Pool Data | $0.05 each |
Any of the following selections can be incorporated into the Pool Owner selection process for an additional $0.01 per selection: Home Value, Purchase Date, Home Year Built or Telephone Numbers where available.
**Some restrictions may apply; Pricing mentioned is for Mailing List Data only; Printing & Mailing services are priced at the time of inquiry, Email Data Pricing is listed above for most orders.**
Please Inquire with regard to Volume Discounted Pricing.
Printing & Mailing
Please visit our sister company’s Print & Mail Services page for further information regarding Swimming Pool Post Card Printing and Mailing.