Databases for Sale

Databases for Sale both Postal & E-Mail

Databases for Sale - Mailing List Connection

Databases We Offer

Please contact us for Pricing Details.

Accountant with personal detail like, income, home address, home phone...etc 9115,326 records
Accountant, CPA, Bookkeeper Database with Emails 18,120 records
Active Army 1 Million records with Emails
Acupuncturists - 23,988 records 1,826 emails
Affluent People Database 8,791 records with emails
Alternative Medicine - 1,141,602 total records with 36,320 emails and 38,935 fax numbers
America Industrial Directory 536,797 records
American Business Email List - 2 million emails various businesses
American Consumer Database- 1 Million records all with emails
American Homeowners - 1 million Full Data Records all with emails . 100% option data
Argentina Contact Names with Emails 19,903 records
Australia Business Database 1.4 Million records with 180,000 Emails
Australia Consumer Database 7 Million records with Phone and Mobile Phone where available
Australia Detail Business Database 1,091090 records with 13,263 Emails
Australia Detail Company Profile 30499 records
Australia Detail Consumer Database with Emails 24,707 records
Australian Exporter Database 7406 records
Austria Business Database with Emails 178,880 records
Auto Warranty Database with Vin Number over 40 Million Records with 5 Million Phone and Email
Auto, Motor & Car Dealers Database with Emails 43,659 records
Automobile Dealers New & Used Database 18,261 records with direct emails
Automobile Dealers New & Used Database 8,261 records with direct emails
Automobile Owners with Vin Number 10 Million records with 300,000 Emails
Bad Credit People with personal detail like, income, home address , home phone...etc 842,703 records
Bank Executive Database 117,950 records with emails
Bank Executive Database 17,950 records with emails
Beauty Professionals Database with Emails 13,582 records
Beauty Salon Owners and Managers Database 8,574 records with direct emails
Belgium Business Database with Emails 150,022 records
Brazil Contact Names with Emails 19,276 records
Builders & Contractors Database with Emails 42,521 records
Builders and Construction Business Database with Emails 42521 records
Business Opportunity Seekers 2 Million records with Email
Business Opportunity Seekers 930,000 records with emails
Business Oppotunity Seekers 930,000 records with emails
Business Owner Database 18,198 records with emails
Business Owner Database 320,018,198 records with emails
Business Owner with personal detail like, income, home address , home phone...etc 2,176,132 records
Cadada Company Profiles 52,987 records with 40,913 Company Emails with California High-Tech Company Database 30,045 records with 15,137 Emails
Canada Business Database with Emails 570,720 records
Canada Company Profiles 52,987 records with 40,913 Company Emails with Canada Contact Names with Emails 74,896 records
Canada Detail Business 85,183 records with 37,130 Emails
Canada Detail Business Database 1.1 Million records with 400,000 Fax
Canada Detail Company Profiles 40,000 Companies with 250,000 Executives
Canada Detail Consumer Database 13 Million records
Canada Executives with Email 200,000 records
Canada Optin Consumer database with ethnic code 1.5 million
Canadian Associations 10,442 records with 7,305 emails
Canadian Consumer Email only 2.7 million records
Canadian Trade Index Companies 30,000 records with 12,304 Emails
Cell Phone Database 9 Million Records
CEO Database 2,752,149 records with 909,955 Emails
CEO Level 2,752,148 records with 909,955 Emails
Certified Public Accountants Database 13,016 records with direct emails
Certified Public Accountants Database 3,016 records with direct emails
China Business Database 233,132 records with 6,800 Emails
China Contact Names with Emails 65,930 records
China Detail Business Database 50,654 records with 776 Emails
Chiropractors - 108,421 total records * 3,414 emails * 6,553 fax numbers
Christian Church & Ministry Database with Emails 72,021 records
Churches Database 132,103 records with email
Churches Database 132,103 records with emails
CNA- Nurse Assistant 4015 records with email
Colombia Business Database 213,467 records
Colombia Business Database 300,749 records with 37,761 Emails
Colombia Contact Name with Emails 6,167 records
Consumer with Credit Score 15,799,254 records with Emails
Consumer with Loan Amount and Mortgage Lender Info 14,858,996 records
Credit Inquiries Database - 1 million Full Data Records all with emails
Credit Repair Database 2,142,031 records
Criminal Attorneys - 142,906 total records, 99,857 emails
Cruise, Travel & Vacation Professionals with Emails 36,230 records
Debt Leads 25,000 records with Email
Denmark Business Database with Emails 62,598 records
Dentists - 164k records, 45k emails, 77k fax numbers
Dentists Database 141,762 records with 28,800 emails
Detail Active Boat 650,000 Records
Detail Association Executives 40,000 records
Detail Health Survey 580K records with Emails
Directors Database 115,532 records with direct emails
Directors Database 5,532 records with direct emails
Disability People 200,000 records with phone
Disability People 578,000 records with phone
Domain and Whois Database 100 Million records
Domain Owners 2.6 Million with Emails
Email Addresses and Web Sites by Categories 532,596 records
Engineers Database with Emails 18,921 records
European Detail Executive Database with Emails 240,651 records
Executives of E-Commerce Companies Database 13,224 records with direct emails
Eye glass Wearer 6,000 records with emails only
Eye glass Wearer 600,000 records with emails only
Finance & Money Professionals Database with Emails 116,568 records
Finance and Money Professionals Database - 116,568 records all with emails
Financial Interest Optin 17k records with Email
Financial Planners 148,857 records with Email
Financial Planners Database - 148,857 records all with emails
Food & Restaurant Database with Emails 27758 records
France Business Database with Emails 206,034 records
France Detail Business Database 4.1 Million records with 400,000 Emails
Franchises List Database 18,970 records with 1278 Director Contact Info
-FSA regulated insurance brokers (3970 records and 3869 emails)
Gamblers Database 13,744 with emails only
Gay Database 7,616 records with emails
Gay, Male Database 7,616 records with emails
Germany Business Database with Emails 613,711 records
Germany Consumer 350,000 records with Emails
Health & Wellness Professionals Database with Emails 77,637 records
Health and Beauty Interest Consumer 50,257 records with email
Health and Beauty Interest Consumer 50,257 records with emails
Hispanic Database 9.3 million records with emails
Hong Kong Detail Business Database 36,117 records with 30,349 Emails
Hospitals - 23,747 Hospital Administrators in over 7,145 Hospitals (full contact info no emails)
Hotel Database 7207 records with 7170 Emails
Hotel Manager Database 7,550 records with emails
Hotels - 34,815 total records * 1,642 emails
-HR Directors & Managers Database - Over 20,000 of the UK's leading HR Directors and Managers (15,900 emails)
Human Resource Executives 236,064 records with direct emails
Human Resource Executives 6,064 records with direct emails
Independent Insurance Brokers Database 51,979 records with email
Independent Insurance Brokers Database 51,979 records with emails
India Businesses Database 95,097 records with 3,648 Emails
India Contact Names with Emails 71,075 records
India Detail Business Database 30,940 records
Indonesia Contact Names with Emails 29,425 records
Insurance Agents & Brokers Database with Emails 36,991 records
International Biggest Company Database with Emails 345,110 records
Internet Pay-Per-Click Advertisers 106,564 records with 10,199 Emails
Investors List with Email from scottrade 1,073,942 records
IT Executive Database 15,031 records with emails
IT Executive Database 215,031 records with email
IT Professionals Database with Emails 120,486 records
Italy Business Database with Emails 180,562 records
Japan Businesses Database 186,594 records with 15,441 Emails
Japan Contact Names with Emails 157,608 records
Japan Detail Consumer with Emails 12733 records
Lawyers Database 236,071 records with direct emails
Lawyers Database 6,640 records with emails
LVN-LPN 4576 records with email
Macedonia Business Database 19,632 records
Malaysia Contact Names with Emails 12,124 records
Manufacturers Database - 1,057,119 records with 476,509 emails
Marketing Executive Database with Emails 59,161 records
Marketing Executives Database with Emails 33,784 Records
Massage Therapists - 76,701 records and 8,305 emails
Media Detail Company Info 67,859 records with 44,905 Emails
Media Industry Database 195k records with 175k direct email
Medical Equipment Suppliers - 167,425 total records with 6,940 emails and 5,812 fax numbers
Mental Health Counselors - 283,184 records 7,206 emails
Mexico Businesses Database 253,690 records with 3,623 Emails
Mexico Contact Names with Emails 19,407 records
Mortgage brokers with emails 49,847 records
Mortgage Leads with Emails 2,124,776 records
Motorcycle Owners Database 6,488 records with emails
National Health Service Corp Clinics - 1,300 records with emails for government run free clinics
Nationwide ARRA Decision Makers & Buyers Contact List 10k records with Emails
Netherlands Business Database with Emails 240,964 records
New Lawyer Database 400,000 records with 220,000 email
New Timeshare Owners Database 100k records with Emails
New Zealand Consumer Database 850,000 records with phones
New Zealand Consumer Database 855,942 records with phones
New Zealand Detail Business Database 127,013 records
North America Business Database 58,995 records with 10,924 Emails
Norway Business Database with Emails 54,393 records
Nurse Database 557,279 records with emails
Nurse Database 6.503 records with direct emails
Nursing Homes - 31,589 Senior Administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 N/H
Oncology Doctors - 2,200 records all with emails
Optometrists - 63,837 records 2,015 emails
Part time Job Seeker 30,000 records with Email
Partime Job Seeker 186,000 records with Emails
Parttime Job Seeker 30,000 records with Email
Payday Database 2 Million records with Email
People with Diabetic 230k records with Emails
People with Diabetics 90,000 records with phone
Peru Business Database 19,449 records with 1,955 Emails
Peru Contact Names with Emails 3,081 records
Pharmaceutical Companies - Email only list 47,000 emails of pharmacy company employees
Philippines Contact Names with Emails 3,025 records
Physical Therapists - 125,460 total records with 5,483 emails and 4,405 fax numbers
Physician Database 57,159 records with emails
Physician Database 88,897 records with emails
Physicians (34 specialties) - 788k records, 17k emails, 200k fax numbers
Physicians Database 726,000 records with 20381 emails
Police and Sheriff Services - 42,987 records and 114 emails
Professional and Technical with personal detail like, income, home address , home phone...etc 1,530,596 records
Property Management Companies Database 5,977 records with emails
Psychologists - 272,188 records 9,874 emails
Real Estate Agent Database 1.111,066 records with email
Real Estate Agent Database 16,066 records with emails
Real Estate Agents - 1 million records with emails
Real Estate Investors Database 5,073 records with emails
Registered Nurse 12,739 records with email
Restaurant Database 34,063 records with emails
RV Owner Database 50,656 records with Emails
School Database 393 records with emails
Singapore Businesses Database 166,222 records with 51,672 Emails
Smokers Optin Email Database 3,688,257 records with emails
South Korea Contact Names with Emails 163,437 records
Spain Business Database with Emails 130,324 records
Spain Consumer Database 2,134,214 records
Sweden Business Database with Emails 43,546 records
Swiss Detail Companies Profiles 12,437 with 9619 Direct Executives Emails
Switzerland Business Database with Emails 204,758 records
Taiwan Business Database 28,345 records with 7,537 Emails
Thailand Contact Names with Emails 19,995 records
UK 2010 detail business database 1.5 million records with 160k email
UK Business Database with Emails 407,245 records
UK Business Email Database – 895,000 records.
-UK Business Email List - All Counties - 1,287,251 records and 500k emails
UK Cell Phone only Database 60,000 records
-UK Ceos (5699 records and 4327 emails)
-UK Chairman Deputy Vice (3399 records and 2155 emails)
-UK Commercial Insurance Database (28 k records - NO EMAILS)
UK Consumer Database 13 Million Records
UK Consumer Database 178,851 records with Emails
UK Consumer Database 880,000 records with Emails
UK Consumer Optin Database 2,462,121 records with Emails
UK Consumer Optin Database 59,467 records with Email
UK Debt Database 63,566 records
UK Detail Business Database 1,680,935 records
UK Detail Company Profile 352,469 records
UK Detail Consumer with Emails 30,778 records
-UK Hotels (13517 records and 11079 emails)
UK HR Directors Email Database – over 20,000 records
UK Insurance Brokers Email Database over 5,000 records
UK IT Directors Email Database – over 5,000 records
UK Managing Director Email Database – over 18,000 records
-UK Managing Directors (9014 records and 6831 emails)
-UK Sales & Marketing Directors Email & Mailing List - Over 5000 contacts in total (3k emails)
UK Sales & Marketing Directors Email Database – over 5,000 records
US 2008 Detail Life Insurance Leads 1.09 Million records with Email
US 2008 Detail Life Insurance Leads 142,00 records with Email
US 2G Cell Phone Database 8,462,492 records
US 3G Cell Phone Database 1,487,422 records
US Aged Mortgage 2005-2008 8 Million Records with Email
US AMA Physician Database 3 Million records with over 700,000 Fax
US Boat Owner Database 3 million records with email
US Business Database 200,256 records with emails and direct emails
US Business Email Database – 4.8 million records
US Business List for mail campaigns 17 million U.S. businesses <> 2 million e-mail addresses
US Cell Phone Database 40 Million records
US Cell Phone Database 5,446,502 records
US C-level Executives 5000 records with Direct Emails *
US Consumer Email Database – 300,000 records
US Credit Enquiry Email Database – 1 million records
US Detail Boats, Vessels Owners Database 433,500 records
US Detail Consumer with Emails 61,474,207 records
US Detail Debt Database 1900 records with Lender
US Detail Executives Database 154,884 records with direct emails
US Detail Executives Database 163,519 records with direct emails
US Detail Executives with Direct Email 480,000 Records
US Detail IT Executives Database 25,000 records with Direct Emails *
US Detail Marketing Executives Database 25,000 records with Direct Emails*
US Detail Payday Database 1,094,507 records with email
US Detail Sales & Marketing Executives 37,560 records with Direct Executives Emails *
US Detail Stock Brokers Database 92,537 records with Direct Emails.csv *
US Elderly people (65+)with personal detail like, income, home address , home phone...etc 15,638,361 records
US Finance Professionals Email Database – 110,000 records
US Financial Planners Email Database – 150,000 records
US Healthcare Email Databases – 19 specialist healthcare databases containing millions of records for doctors, dentists, hospitals and many more healthcare related industries.
US Hispanic Cell Phone Database with Email 433,133 records
US Home Owners Email Database – 1 million records
US Lawyer 56,000 records with Emails
US Manufactures Email Database – 1 million records
US New Business Database - 4.8 million records all with emails
US New Business Database 12.8 Million records
US New Business Database 4.8 Million records with Emails
US Optin Consumer Database with ethnic code 29 millions
US Optin Consumer with Email more than 100 million records
US Payday 2008 Database 839,500 records with Email only
US Real Estate Agents Email Database – 1 million records
US Smoker Database 355,519 records Email only
US Surgery Centers - 85k records and 14k emails
US Timeshare Database 7,031,722 records
USA Adult Interest Database 10 Million People with Email
USA and Canada Detail Advertising Company 26,361 records with 16,150 Em
USA and Canada Detail Publishing Company Database 12,588 records with 7
USA and Canada Nurses Database 14,674 records with 9515 Direct Emails
USA Automobile Owners (with Year Make Model & Vin Number 10 Million records, 300,000 with E-Mails) all for
USA Biggest Company with Emails 326,854 records
USA Brand New 2010 Consumer Database 250 Million records ( never seen before)
USA Business with Detail Website Info 1,382,068 records
USA Business with Duns number 10.8 Million records
USA Businesses with Emails 1,189,753 records (taken from 32 million wor
USA Cleaned Cell Phone Database with DoNotCall 60 Million Records
USA Contact Names with Emails 6,713,189 records
USA Dating Database 12 Million People with Email
USA Detail Associations Business Database 34,623 records with 26,869 Em
USA Detail Brewery Database 4,376 records with 880 Emails
USA Detail Company Profile 338,131 records
USA Detail Consumer Optin with Interest and Ethnic Code 10 Million records with Email
USA Detail Consumer Opt-in with Interest and Ethnic Code 10 Million records with Email
USA Detail Hospital Database 11,419 records
USA Detail Lawfirms 48,019 records with 43,250 Emails
USA Detail Lawyers 269,787 records with 235,244 Emails
USA Detail Real Estate Agents 1,128,221 records with 617,567 Emails
USA Industrial Contact Database 275,183 records
USA Lawyers Database - 269,787 records with 235,244 emails
USA Manufacturers Database 1,057,119 with 476,509 Emails
USA New Business Database 7 Million records with Email
USA New Business with Email 10 Million records with Email
USA New Realtors Database 1,323,639 with 1,118,600 Emails
USA Realtors Database 1,444,574 with 1,140,364 Emails
USA Shopping Mall Executive Database 27,016 records with 18,085 Direct
Veterinarians - 78,986 total records with 1,438 emails and 1,050 fax numbers
Viagra Users Database 32,000 records with email
Vietnam Detail Business Database 51,172 records with 23,825 Emails
Visiting Nurses & RN's - 91,386 total records with 2,788 emails and 2,390 fax numbers
World News and Media Company Database 57,660 records with 38,460 Emails
World Scientists Database 21,566 records with 15,203 Direct Emails
WorldWide Business Database 31 Million Records with 3 Million Emails
Worldwide Business Executives Database over 60,000 records with Emails
Worldwide Contact Name with Emails 2.8 Million records
Worldwide Detail Big Business Database 200,000 records with 86,000 Emails
Worldwide Detail Companies 210,000 records with Emails 86,545.csv


Additional Databases (Please contact us for Pricing Details)


Australia Detail Consumer Database with Emails 24,707 records
Auto Warranty Database with Vin Number over 40 Million Records with 5 Million Phone and Email
Automobile Owners with Vin Number 10 Million records with 300,000 Emails
Canadian Consumer Email only 2.7 million records
Cell Phone Database 9 Million Records
Cell Phone Database 9 Million Records
Consumer with Credit Score 15,799,254 records with Emails
Consumer with Loan Amount and Mortgage Lender Info 14,858,996 records
Credit Repair Database 2,142,031 records
Detail Active Boat 650,000 Records
Germany Consumer 350,000 records with Emails
Japan Detail Consumer with Emails 12733 records
Mortgage Leads with Emails 2,124,776 records
Spain Consumer Database 2,134,214 records
UK Cell Phone only Database 60,000 records
UK Consumer Database 13 Million Records
UK Consumer Database 178,851 records with Emails
UK Consumer Database 880,000 records with Emails
UK Consumer Optin Database 2,462,121 records with Emails
UK Consumer Optin Database 59,467 records with Email
UK Debt Database 63,566 records
UK Detail Consumer with Emails 30,778 records
US 2008 Detail Life Insurance Leads 1.09 Million records with Email
US 2008 Detail Life Insurance Leads 142,00 records with Email
US 2G Cell Phone Database 8,462,492 records
US 3G Cell Phone Database 1,487,422 records
US Aged Mortgage 2005-2008 8 Million Records with Email
US Boat Owner Database 3 million records with email
US Cell Phone Database 40 Million records
US Cell Phone Database 5,446,502 records
US Detail Boats, Vessels Owners Database 433,500 records
US Detail Consumer with Emails 61,474,207 records
US Detail Payday Database 1,094,507 records with email
US Hispanic Cell Phone Database with Email 433,133 records
US Optin Consumer with Email more than 100 million records
US Payday 2008 Database 839,500 records with Email only
US Smoker Database 355,519 records Email only
US Timeshare Database 7,031,722 records
USA Cleaned Cell Phone Database with DoNotCall 60 Million Records


Accountant, CPA, Bookkeeper Database with Emails 18,120 records
America Industrial Directory 536,797 records
Argentina Contact Names with Emails 19,903 records
Australia Detail Business Database 1,091090 records with 13,263 Emails
Australia Detail Company Profile 30499 records
Australian Exporter Database 7406 records
Austria Business Database with Emails 178,880 records
Auto, Motor & Car Dealers Database with Emails 43,659 records
Beauty Professionals Database with Emails 13,582 records
Belgium Business Database with Emails 150,022 records
Brazil Contact Names with Emails 19,276 records
Builders & Contractors Database with Emails 42,521 records
Builders and Construction Business Database with Emails 42521 records
Business Oppotunity Seekers 930,000 records with emails
Cadada Company Profiles 52,987 records with 40,913 Company Emails with California High-Tech Company Database 30,045 records with 15,137 Emails
Canada Detail Business Database 1.1 Million records with 400,000 Fax
Canada Business Database with Emails 570,720 records
Canada Contact Names with Emails 74,896 records
Canada Detail Business 85,183 records with 37,130 Emails
Canada Detail Company Profiles 40,000 Companies with 250,000 Executives
Canadian Associations 10,442 records with 7,305 emails
Canadian Trade Index Companies 30,000 records with 12,304 Emails
CEO Database 2,752,149 records with 909,955 Emails
CEO Level 2,752,148 records with 909,955 Emails
China Business Database 233,132 records with 6,800 Emails
China Contact Names with Emails 65,930 records
China Detail Business Database 50,654 records with 776 Emails
Christian Church & Ministry Database with Emails 72,021 records
Colombia Business Database 213,467 records
Colombia Business Database 300,749 records with 37,761 Emails
Colombia Contact Name with Emails 6,167 records
Cruise, Travel & Vacation Professionals with Emails 36,230 records
Denmark Business Database with Emails 62,598 records
Dentists Database 141,762 records with 28,800 emails
Domain Owners 2.6 Million with Emails
Email Addresses and Web Sites by Categories 532,596 records
Engineers Database with Emails 18,921 records
European Detail Executive Database with Emails 240,651 records
Finance & Money Professionals Database with Emails 116,568 records
Financial Planners 148,857 records with Email
Food & Restaurant Database with Emails 27758 records
France Business Database with Emails 206,034 records
Franchises List Database 18,970 records with 1278 Director Contact Info
Germany Business Database with Emails 613,711 records
Health & Wellness Professionals Database with Emails 77,637 records
Hong Kong Detail Business Database 36,117 records with 30,349 Emails
Hotel Database 7207 records with 7170 Emails
India Businesses Database 95,097 records with 3,648 Emails
India Contact Names with Emails 71,075 records


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